Players who have completed Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure may have noticed that the 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning Platinum features a unique overlanding modification that can be fitted. Let us know over on the Suggestions Hub where the team will review your submissions. These improvements have been inspired by your feedback, and we would love to hear ideas for other features, changes and additions you would like to see in Photo Mode in the future. *The vehicle must be stationary to access character positions outside of the car. Portrait Mode Toggle: Accessed through the Guidelines, this allows players to view how the photo will appear in portrait view.Photo Presets: Added to the “Effects” menu, players can save, rename and delete Photo Mode presets to quickly load their favorite Photo Mode settings.
Character Emotes: Various emotes unlocked by the player are supported. #OF HORIZON ZERO DAWN MAP DRIVER#
Character Positions*: Driver Seat, Centre Front, Left Front, Right Front, Centre Back, Left Back, Right Back, Left Side and Right Side. Guidelines: Disabled, Different Aspect Ratios, 9x9 Grids, Golden Ratios. Wheel Tilt: Default, Straight, Left, Right. Weather Changes: Default, Clear, Clear Post Rain, Cloudy, Cloudy Post Rain, Overcast, Light Precipitation, Heavy Precipitation, Gale, Fog. Time of Day Changes: Default, Dawn, Sunrise, Morning, Early Afternoon, Late Afternoon, Sunset, Evening, Night. Here’s a look at the new features and selectable options for each one: #OF HORIZON ZERO DAWN MAP DRIVERS#
Horizon Festival organizers have sent drivers enhanced Photo Mode cameras that will make capturing incredible moments all the easier and more fun! You can also report any bugs that you’re encountering on the Troubleshooting Hub, our dedicated issues tracker on the Forza Forums. Click here to see the issues that we’re currently investigating.
The full list of fixes will be published in our release notes once the update is available.
Scoreboards in Playground Games Survival Mode would disappear instead of minimizing. Playground Games Team Flag Rush match score could revert to 0 once a player from the opposite team left the match. Controller vibration would suddenly stop working after disconnecting from an online session. Fixed an issue with weather management in Multiplayer races where weather conditions in certain conditions were not consistent between players. Improvements have been made for some EventLab Blueprints which could cause a game crash when editing saved projects. Taller tires option was missing on the 2014 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U5023. On the 2018 Italdesign Zerouno, the incorrect color was shown the front wheel rims and the engine frame incorrectly displayed when opening the front hood. Missing side-marks on the 2020 Lamborghini Huracan STO when installing the race splitter. On PC, the mouse cursor would occasionally disappear after some time. Vehicle wheels would sometimes return to their default position in Photo Mode. Launch Control settings would not save after restarting the game. Once your done, enjoy the flashy rappelling animation as you descend from the mechanical beast.Here is a snapshot of the new fixes and improvements included in this version: Once you’re up there, you can spend a few seconds to admire the view, or go directly to the override point. You jump from one neck protrusion to the other until you reach the head. From there, as you can see in the video below, it’s a basic platform puzzle. You have to find some vantage point or high ground from which you can jump onto one of them. If you look closely, you can see platform-like protrusions sticking out of the robot’s neck. However, it doesn’t seem like you can climb them from the ground.
The override point is on the very top of its flat head. Their heads I can only describe as smaller versions of the starship Enterprise from Star Trek.
How to climb on a TallneckThese robots look like giraffes that are the size of a dinosaur. You can also see them on your HUD at the top of the screen. On the parts of the map that you’ve uncovered already, the Tallneck that are around will show up as icons.